“Veni , vedi, vici” are the famous words spoken by Julius Caesar when he took control of Egypt. In Latin they mean “I came, I saw, I conquered.” He was ambitious, a great orator, he called his men comrades and was a great leader. Plus he cared about the plebeians.

Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BCE in Rome to a noble family. He married Cornelia at the age of 16 and later had a daughter named Julia! Isn’t that cool? Julius Caesar was captured by pirates when he was a young man and his family had to pay a ransom or Julius Caesar would be killed. After he was set free,

Julius Caesar raised an army and crucified the pirates. In 58 BCE Caesar raised an army to conquer Gaul and it made him rich and powerful. But it also made a lot of enemies like Pompey.
Then in 48 BCE he went to Egypt in pursuit of his enemy Pompey. Ptolemy XIII had Pompey beheaded to get Julius Caesar on his side, but that made Julius Caesar mad so he attacked the city. Ptolemy XIII would not let his sister Cleopatra talk to Caesar.

She hid herself in a rolled up rug and in front of Julius Caesar she unrolled herself. He fell in love with her that night. Ptolemy saw that they were ruling together and felt sad that he could not rule any more. Months later Cleopatra had a baby named Ptolemy XV or Caesarian. Then Caesar and Cleopatra went back to Rome. He declared himself dictator for life, but that made some of the senators mad. So on the Ides of March they swarmed around him and stabbed him to death.

Finis(that means the end in Latin)