Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to do it project: How to Make a Stress Ball

How to Make a Stress Ball

What you need to use

½ cup of flour
2 large balloons
A funnel
A pair of scissors
A Spoon

1. Fill up one balloon with air to expand the balloon and release the air.

2. Use the funnel to fill the balloon with flour. My trick is to take a spoon and pour a little flour.   I tap the funnel until all the flour is in the balloon. If you add to much flour it will get clogged up and you will have to unclog it with a stick or something.

3. Tie the balloon,  then cut the top off.

4. Cut off a half of an inch off the second balloon.

5. Finally, I inserted the second balloon over the flour balloon. I put the knotted end in first and now you have a stress ball! Good job!

Tell me how it goes! Thank you. Comments would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Great job! I love how to do blogs! I remember when I first saw these as a young teenager or a little younger, and I loved them! Now that I am getting older, and my fingers hurt a lot, I should go make another one.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is rover. I get comments on my blogs a lot and i write back to every one of them! I always like support. Thank you for your support!

  3. Very useful project! Hope you made one for your mom and dad. They could use a stress break!

  4. Great project and nice step by step.

    1. Hej hej! I am Rover Fox and i like it when people comment on my blogs. So thank you for your support!
